Mac os 10.12.0 download
Mac os 10.12.0 download

  1. #Mac os 10.12.0 download serial
  2. #Mac os 10.12.0 download update

(nrfjprog.exe) Made -coprocessor flag with CP_APPLICATION as the argument available for all devices.

#Mac os 10.12.0 download update

(Release) Update bundled Segger installers and tar balls to v7.50a VC Redistributable has been updated toolset v142. Windows binaries depended on MSVC toolset v142, but v140 vas bundled in the installer. Fixed bug where 32-bit installer was bundled with 64-bit Segger JLink installer on Windows. Fixed issue where mfw packages containing unsegmented update image would not update nrf9160 modem successfully. Fixed issue where sector-erase in program function erased too many pages when provided image had data at the end of a page. Image program/read/verify operations will now return an error at an earlier stage if the format is unrecognized. pynrfjprog.JLink: Redirect find_latest_dll() to _jlink_path. Allows user to get auto-detected JLinkARM shared library path before initializing library.

mac os 10.12.0 download

Added function NRFJPROG_find_jlink_path in nrfjrprogdll, highleveldll, and pynrfjprog.

#Mac os 10.12.0 download serial

Improved modem serial DFU resilience to UART data loss by introducing re-sending of unacknowledged packages.

mac os 10.12.0 download

Provide binaries for armhf raspbian targets. Provide universal binaries for MacOS M1 and x86_64. Update bundled Segger installers and tar balls to v7.52d For a full overview of all changes, please read the release notes located in the installation directory.

Mac os 10.12.0 download